Is it just for the gram?

Babies first birthdays

Serious question why do people feel they need to validate themselves on the internet so much? Especially Instagram. Don’t get me wrong I love a bit of showing my daughter off every so often, she’s beautiful, I’m proud of her. However when it comes to first birthdays I get a little confused…I’m not bashing anyone, you do you! I’m just trying to get my head around what I’m going to do for my daughters birthday and to what extent I’m going to go to. She deserves the world don’t get me wrong but do I get her loads of presents I can’t really afford just so I can take a picture of them and put them on Instagram? Toys she’s probably never going to get around to play with anyway? I’ve seen so many beautiful pictures of ‘my babies first birthday’ pile of presents with the banner up and the balloons all blown up. But do I bother? In regards to MY daughter is she going to care? Probably not. Who’s going to be opening her presents? Me. What’s she going to be playing with? Probably the paper…I’m in two minds, I really am. She’s still going to have an amazing day never the less but do I give into the gram? Maybe, I probably still will. I love taking pictures and I think a little show off is lovely! I want to share my daughters day with her internet baby friends but I am in no way in competition with anyone about anything especially not ‘who got their child the most presents’ which seems to be a thing these days. Who knows, there’s my rambles for the day. Only 18 days will my girls big day. Have a nice afternoon!C x